Wednesday, 17 August 2016

One day she blossomed

Lately I have been trying to get myself out there meeting new parents and friends. I want to not be anti social, I want to blossom and adventure through life. I don't want to waste away my days anymore. My little miss and I have been having a busy summer so far. Lots of play dates and meeting new people. One thing that I've really noticed about when I meet new people and we are exchanging things about ourselves, is that they often say "you seem to really have your life together". This comment used to make me want to laugh, the past little while I've found myself not denying it, trying to make people not believe it and just allowing myself to accept this compliment. Looking at my life right here right now, it is pretty together. By no means is it perfect, far from it actually. It is also far far from where I was. I can proudly say with confidence that I am a strong independent single working momma! I am beautiful, I am worth life, I am worth self love.
Two years ago the life I wake up to every single day now, is the life I dreamed of having. It's the life that I felt was completely unattainable, was I ever wrong! I have made some crazy choices over the years which at the time I felt were big mistakes, and now I see them as a blessing, an education and that is what brought me right to where I am right now.
I am confident in who I am as a person. I know I still have a very long recovery journey. I know that I am far from perfect and honestly I don't ever want to be perfect. I just want to be me. I want to continue finding things that make me feel alive and doing them. I am no longer living to please anyone else. I am in a position in my life where if you want to bring bullshit into my life, I will show you the door. If you cannot accept me for exactly who I am right now, growing and flourishing everyday then I will show you the door.

This is for all those people feeling like they are never going to get better, that their lives are stuck and broken. To all the people who feel like giving up or throwing in the towel. This is for every single person struggling in any way, shape or form. Keep fighting you beautiful bad ass, you're life is only bringing you exactly where you are meant to be. Everything negative happening now is preparing you for gratitude, self love and happiness. Let my life be inspiration that you can go from wanting to kill yourself to loving every single day that you stand on your own two feet. This is for you because I once was you, I fought very hard. I did things I had never done to get results I had never gotten. You are the controller of your life. Kick that asshole that treats you badly out of your life. Change the job that makes you miserable. Don't let yourself be stuck somewhere you do not want to be. You are worth everything, and you deserve it. Do not allow this awful world to tell you you don't deserve it. I am worth it and so are you. Every single one of you!

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